First Year Experience

Everything about your first year at W&J学院旨在为你在这里茁壮成长打下基础. 让det365app梦想一下四年后你想去哪里,这样, 在一起, det365app可以在你去那里的路上为你精心设计最好的第一年. From the moment you join the W&J学院 community, our mission is to create room for your passions, 提出适当的挑战来激发你的激情,并为你提供所需的支持,让你取得超乎想象的成就.

Planning Your First Year

Before you arrive, we will h和craft a schedule based on your interests, make residence assignments, 选择最好的导师来帮助你搭建通往目的地的桥梁. 规划你的第一年远不止是一份行李清单(但你也会得到其中的一份)!)


Orientation is a Process

从“打造你的基础”到第一年的校园过渡活动, 你将有很多机会第一次参与校园传统,并与教师建立终身的关系, 同行, 和导师.


First Year Seminar

将你的兴趣与与你一起生活和学习的指导老师和志同道合的同龄人相匹配, 你的第一年研讨会将引导你了解W大学的文科传统&通过深思熟虑的讨论来激发你的求知欲.


First Year Experience FAQs

Your first-year experience at W&J学院在你到达之前就开始了Gateway项目. Gateway项目帮助你从高中过渡. Online access to forms, key dates 和 deadlines, information about housing, 移动, 餐厅, services on campus, courses 和 placement, 取向, 和 athletics, Gateway provides entry into all things W&J学院 before you arrive.

While you get to know us, we get to know you, too. 随着det365app对你的了解越来越多,det365app准备欢迎你来到校园和你的第一学期. We'll create your schedule, make housing assignments, identify your mentors, 和 champion your dreams for your time at W&J学院.


Play an intramural sport. Take part in a speaking event. Join a student organization. You'll find so much to be part of at W&J.
